Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra Cento Commission, “What You, In Fact, Have” February 29, 2020 Reading by Tamara Tunie and Damon Young

The Black Warrior Review, “Freud’s Antiquities” PRINT

The Doctor T.J. Eckleburg Review, “Pleats” and “Thoughts While Not Being Able to Sleep” PRINT



The Indiana Review 40.1, “Shitty Frida Kahlo Poem” PRINT

The Normal School, “Milk. Milk. Milk” PRINT Nominated for a Pushcart Prize

Prairie Schooner, “a tipsy walk the walk we take” PRINT

THE COMMON: Issue 15, “A Complicated Letter to Sandor Ferenczi” PRINT

THE COMMON: Online Feature, “Harriet Hemings Meets Red Peter at the Russian Tea Room”; “Gills” ; “Hex”



Tinderbox Poetry Journal, “Breach”; “Memory 1

Tayo Literary Journal, “Insert Your Culture Here Day Parade”; “and then, they shoot you”; “Easter Sunday”; “Whaledog” (Short Story) PRINT

Black Candies: A Journal of Literary Horror, “Good Country People Are Hard to Find” (Short Story) PRINT

Tahoma Literary Review, “Between These Two Places” (Short Story) PRINT



Sugar House Review, “Clay Finds a Job”; “Gone Missing”; “I Owe You Money”

As/Us, “Nel Talking to Sula”

Acentos Review, “Easter Sunday”; “Heads High”

Crab Fat Magazine, “Americium”; “Pretty Either Way” (Flash Fiction)

Five Quarterly, “Portrait of Colonel Sanders”; “Whaledog” (Short Story)

Duende, “Foot Washing” (Short Story)

Minerva Rising, “and then, they shoot you”; “Bikini”; “Etymology of the Word Nigger”; “National Geographic”; “Tapestry I”; “Tapestry II” PRINT

Linden Avenue Journal, “Gauze” (Flash Fiction)

Blackberry: a magazine, “Bathwater”; “All Gone”; “Queer Friends”; “She, Who Raised Me”; “Swing Home”; “Picture Show” (Flash Fiction)